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Neck and Arm Pain

Neck and Arm Pain

Neck and Arm Pain services offered in Murray, UT

If neck pain is derailing your normal daily activities, we're here to help! At Olympus Spine and Pain, Keith Warner, MD, offers leading-edge treatments for neck and arm pain in his Murray, Utah, office. Book your appointment online or call the office now to learn how you can put neck pain in the past.

What causes neck pain?

Neck pain affects your cervical spine, the top part of your spinal column, and its surrounding structures. The pain can stem from the bones (vertebrae), discs, joints, connective tissues, or muscles in and around the neck. 

Neck pain happens because of trauma (accidents), poor posture, disease, and other causes. Some of the most common neck pain causes are:

  • Whiplash (usually in an auto accident)
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Cervical spinal stenosis
  • Cervical disc herniation
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia

At Olympus Spine and Pain, Dr. Warner can examine your neck and its underlying structures. He may also administer imaging tests or perform a minimally invasive procedure to determine the reason for your neck pain.

Does neck pain cause arm pain?

Neck pain and arm pain are sometimes connected. In cervical radiculopathy, a compressed nerve in the neck area causes radiating pain that travels from the neck down one arm. 

Other types of pain may also be related to neck pain. For example, tension headaches frequently cause neck area cramping and pain.  

When should I consider pain management for neck pain?

Sometimes, neck pain quickly fades. For example, a night of sleeping with an extra pillow puts your neck in an unusual position, potentially leading to a day or so of discomfort. That type of pain is different from neck pain caused by an underlying issue. 

Some signs that you should reach out to Olympus Spine and Pain include: 

  • Worsening pain
  • Pain that persists over days, weeks, or months
  • Neck pain alongside headaches
  • Neck pain alongside arm pain
  • Pain that disrupts work or other routines

The sooner you seek help for neck pain, the more likely you are to recover quickly. 

How can pain management help with neck pain?

Pain management is an excellent multifaceted approach to neck pain because it addresses the root cause of your pain and provides long-lasting relief. Some of the different approaches that Dr. Warner may recommend include:

  • Temporary neck immobilization
  • Oral medication
  • Physical therapy
  • Nerve block injections
  • Steroid injections

Dr. Warner is an innovative thinker who has extensive experience in pain management. He incorporates the most advanced neck pain treatments into your recovery plan in a way that works for you. 

Neck pain treatment at Olympus Spine and Pain gets you back to living on your terms. Book your appointment using online scheduling or call the office today.